What's strategy got to do with it. Part 4: Strategy as an organizational Language

While Strategy in the Organization 2.0 (mechanistic and pyramid structure organizations) is a management mandate to be cascaded down the organization, in the Organization 3.0 (organic cell community based organization) , Strategy is a language to be used to communicate and share the vital information such as navigational information as well as the fundamental values, principles and culture of an organization among all cells.  Cell is a functionally optimized team that can form a task force and a community with other cells to take on specific missions and challenges of the organization. Unlike the Organization 2.0, each cell in the Organization 3.0 is unique in its function and competency and provides its value to other cells and to the organization as a whole in proactive and collaborative fashion.

Strategy in a organization 3.0 is not formulated in a isolated dark room like it is in a organization 2.0.  Since the strategy in a organization 3.0 is a language, it is formulated in collaboration with all cells where every cell in a organization contributes to its formation, management and constant improvements through everyday communication. We, at MasterLingual Academy of Communication, call this new generation form of strategy "the strategy 3.0".

Some of you might wonder just how you are supposed to make Strategy into a language and how to use such language to communicate all throughout the organization

First of all, Strategy 3.0 do not function in the Organization 2.0. Since most of today's organizations, especially the large corporations, are Organization 2.0, they are not ready nor designed for the Strategy 3.0.

Having said that, there are basically two options for the organization 2.0 to adapt certain elements of Strategy 3.0.  One way is to abandon strategy. This will take a huge leap of faith for most corporations. But removing strategy out of your organization and allow common sense to take over the management and the operation will not only reduce the strain of unnecessary reporting, documentation and meetings, but also unleash the potential of talents in a organization.  But, as I said, letting go of the very thing that they have believed to be the essence of an organization is like suicide to most of them. The 2nd option is to adapt organization 3.0 model in project basis. Since the transformation of Organization 2.0 to 3.0 takes a significant commitment, effort and time, the idea is to spin off a certain business projects to form a temporal organization 3.0. In this case you need to put in place a buffer system between the temporal organization 3.0 and the existing organization.

The details of how those 2 option can be implemented in your organization is available to be disclosed for those who are interested.

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